
Bear è uno storico marchio californiano famoso per il surfwear caratterizzato da uno stile fresco e senza tempo, reso immortale dal celebre film Un mercoledì da leoni.
Bear, che è diventato un vero e proprio cult, propone, infatti, un look easy e rilassato, rivolto ad un pubblico attento alla moda e sportivo allo stesso tempo, sensibile alle tematiche ecologiste.
♥ Bear sul blog
John Milius charts a decade of social change as three surfing buddies use the sport as a personal touchstone for their lives while growing up in the turbulent 1960s. Irresponsible hot-dogging legend Matt (Jan-Michael Vincent),serious and stable Jack (William Katt), and mad misfit Leroy, a.k.a. “Masochist” (Gary Busey), are teenage surf bums in 1963, living at the beach in a perpetual summer under the sway of a legendary surfer and shaper named Bear (Sam Melville), As guru, mentor, and keeper of the lore, Bear and the young trio anticipate a day when a rare 20-foot swell will arrive so they can test themselves against the really big waves.
But the times they are a changin’ and the boys grow up in the shadow of Vietnam while adulthood pushes them into hard decisions. Surfing becomes a kind of spiritual quest spoken of in awed mythic tones and photographed with the epic grandeur of a rite of passage. The three friends return to the beach when the 20-foot swell finally materiales on an infamous Big Wednesday in 1974. They have grown up, but not apart. Big Wednesday is a beautifully crafted story of unwavering friendships living in Southern California surf culture during a turbulent America of the 60’s and 70’s. “When boards were made of wood and men were made of iron.” John Milius, Director of “Big Wednesday”
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